Monday, August 30, 2010

Soooooooo Busy.....

If you had told me 5 years ago that I would be working part time (instead of full time), attending school for re-training and in the midst of planning a high school reunion - i would tell you that you are out of your skull!

Well ... here I am...working part time (8 hours in 4) and 7 weeks away from finishing my Event Planning re-training course and 26 days away from my high school reunion where I, along with 100 of my friends will celebrate our 50th birthday's....

I have sleepless nights, I have a dining room table filled with everything from my laptop, a binder of pictures, bristol board to do up signs and collages, tid bits of paper reminding me "to do" things, glue sticks, colored markers, picture corners etc etc etc.

When I come to work...I think of all the hundreds of things that have to be done...from finishing the painting in the hallway at home, to cleaning out the spare room closets of clutter, to picking up silent auction prizes, to getting a hold of the few stragglers of attendees, to dropping off brochures for work, and contacting businesses to host a coffee break (Alzheimer annual fundraiser).....forget about the weeding of the gardens, and doing something with the rotting vegetables (tomatoes & cucumbers), to the regular stuff like laundry and groceries and paying the bills and oh shit...I forgot to put gas in the car this morning...and Randy needs $ for gas in his truck and ARG!!!!! will it ever end.

Now I am not looking for a gold star but just 1 day off....TO DO NOTHING.....and not to worry that if I do nothing I'm going to feel

Anyhow...I look at it this way....the tomatoes will rot...oh well,
the weeds will totally consume all gardens...they will wait
the reunion will happen in 26 sleeps
school will be finished in 7 weeks
and it won't be the first time I forgot something
cuz right now....I'm working at the best possible place....The Alzheimer's

If I don't forget....I'll chat again soon!

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